What We Do
Clinical Work
It’s what we all do. We offer individual, bespoke, psychology sessions with clients across the life span, as well as sessions to parents, families, groups and couples. We can work online and in person and as a team of experienced psychologists we have expertise in most areas. None of our treatments are manualised, and whilst always scientifically rooted, it is entirely about you, devised collaboratively with you, for you. Sure, life can be hard, but we are here to help navigate those challenges, equipping you with a psychological toolbox so that we are no longer necessary.
We have strong links with multidisciplinary colleagues including psychiatrists, family therapists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists and more. We believe strongly in the power of a team when needed and will ensure that where additional support is needed we help you to find the right person and then work collaboratively with them.
Finding the right help for you, your family or child can be tricky, so please don’t angst…if you’re in any doubt, get in touch and we’ll be delighted to fix a time to speak and discuss whether and how we can help.
Katie and Anna also have significant eating disorder expertise and offer specialist eating disorder treatment and second opinion consultations.
Giving a space to consider and understand what is happening between a psychologist and their clients, to share thinking and explore what will be most helpful and to unstick any sticky dynamics between clients and clinician, supervision is a fundamental aspect of clinical work. Whilst it’s an imperative part of the work it is also a pleasure to be able to work with other professionals and assist their practice and career development.
Katie and Anna are very experienced in the training and supervision of junior and experienced psychologist and other professionals. We supervise all of our associates and we offer supervision to others externally.
Talks and Training
We love talking and not just to each other! Sharing knowledge, equipping parents, young people and other professionals with psychological theory and tools (hopefully), and mixing humour and science, Katie and Anna deliver talks and training on all areas of child and adolescent mental health including eating disorders and workplace wellbeing.
Other members of the team, will do likewise on their specialist topics such as ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Please get in touch with any enquiries and we’ll be delighted to discuss them with you.
Workplace Wellbeing
Thankfully more and more businesses and professions are realising that their workforces’ mental health and wellbeing is essential to their performance and output, to mention, quality of life and happiness at work. A number of our team are very experienced in delivering talks and training to organisations and corporations, on how to support staff, how to recognise when someone is struggling and where to find the appropriate help. Please contact us to discuss your needs and who might be best suited to provide what you’re looking for.